Monday, April 21, 2008


“Well, my bags are packed; I’m ready to go… The taxi’s waitin’, he’s blowin’ his horn…I’m leavin’ on a jet plane. Don’t know when I’ll be back again…” – Peter, Paul & Mary.

April 29, 2008
Dear Friends,

How many years ago was it when we heard that song, “I’m Leavin’ on a Jet Plane”? Well, tomorrow morning I really will be “leavin’ on a jet plane”, and heading for the Greek island of Crete. I’m scheduled to fly out of Nashville at about 10:30 AM for JFK International Airport in New York. I will depart JFK at about 4:30 PM and arrive in Athens, Greece at approximately 9:30 AM the following morning, May 1st. After changing planes, I will leave Athens at about 12:15 PM and land on Crete at the Heraklion (Iraklion) International Airport at 1:05 PM. From the airport I will board a bus for the short ride to the small seaside village of Amoudara, just six kilometers to the west of Iraklion, where my home will be for the next three months. My first task will be to get unpacked and situated in my apartment, and then I will go to bed early and try to get adjusted from the “jet lag”. On Friday morning, I will attempt to get up early and explore the small village of Amoudara. I will be looking for good (inexpensive) places to eat. Then, I hope to find an internet café or the equivalent so that I can make my first new post from Crete…but, please be patient. If I am unable to find a place where I can log onto the internet in Amoudara, I may be forced to find a place in downtown Iraklion. But, rest assured, I will make every effort to transmit posts and photos from Crete, and as often as is practical. So, my friends, until I land on Crete…

Take care, stay well, and let me hear from you.

Your Friend and Fellow “Silent Warrior”,

Bob (a.k.a. Midget, Bobby)